Friday, November 19, 2010

Splish Splash beyond toddler size.

This is how kids entertain after they pass the splashing of the water stage.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prayer Request

The joy of Sesame Street.

This is my wonderful long time friend, Melissa (in the background). This is her 5 year old daughter, Reese. She just found out last Friday that she has epyndemoma. A type of cancer that attacks the central nervous system. The cancer is not rare but Reese' presentation of it is extremely rare. The doctors are completely shocked that she is even walking because they've never seen a case where the child seems unaffected by it (other than the headaches and backaches she was having). She shouldn't be walking or talking like she does. They are in the middle of making a treatment plan (chemo v radiation) and deciding where she'll have treatment (CHKD v St Jude v Harvard). It all depends on what the doctors decide. Her pathology reports have been sent all over to world renowned doctors to make these decisions. Please pray for healing, peace and patience for all of them. They are all determined to fight this and see the good come out of it. She has her shunt put in tomorrow and then travels to DC to meet with a doctor on Tuesday. It's hard to imagine but I already see great things God has planned for these people.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We be walkin...

These are my SIC's (Sisters in Christ!). We meet on Monday nights and have so much fun. This is our team for the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. We walk for our sister, Tricia. See the post below to donate toward a cure!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Great Strides

Hello! To the few of you who are not on Facebook, I am raising money for a cause dear to my heart, Cystic Fibrosis. You can follow the link below to my page that explains who I'm walking and raising funds for. Her name is Tricia and she's my very special friend. Thank you for anything you can do!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Surfing for Autism

Here is a video of the Surfing for Autism event here on the OBX. Brad was involved. You'll notice him riding a wave with a little boy. He had 3 children that day that he taught. It was neat to watch. Ellie was able to get involved too by getting on the board with a little boy and showing him it was ok to surf. Enjoy. Just click on the video after you open the link.

First day of school

Ellie's new cubby (1 over from last year)
Pre-K girl
Jax & Townes River @ his first real day of Kindergarten
I must tell you, he cracked a HUGE smile right after I clicked the picture. He wasn't this miserable. Funny picture.
August 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

School Pictures

Here are Jackson and Ellie's Spring school pictures.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Spirit Week at School

Crazy hair and clothes day
Pirate Party for Ellie and Historical Figure Day for Jax

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Some recent random shots.

This is how they entertained themselves during Spring Break. Some masked wrestling in the yard and we also piggysat their class guinea pigs.
Jackson & Shiny
Ellie & Butterball
They were great caretakers and gave the pigs LOTS of love (and celery).
Coquina Beach (our personal fav). We drive on most Sundays after church and spend the day. It's gorgeous. The kids love it and so do we. Jackson found a very cool shell.
Then, after swimming in the freezing water it was time for some sunny Mommy snuggling.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

True Laughter

Happy Love Day

Jackson worked for 2 solid weeks doing 26 personalized Valentine paintings for his class.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

OBX Beached Whale

What a beautiful creature. What a sad thing when this happens. It's rare to see here on the Outer Banks so it made for quite an attraction.

Snowy day in OBX

I'm so behind with this post but still wanted to post our snow day pictures. We had a fun time while it lasted. Luckily, it's sunny here now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jackson, the fisherman.

The avid fisherman.

He's been fishing for about year now without a hook. At Christmas he graduated to a lure with hook. It's been evident that he loves the sport because he continues to go for it with never having caught a thing. He'll cast for hours over and over again. I'm always amazed at the patience he has for being a five year old boy. I just hope that the day he does catch a fish that he doesn't fall into the water over the sheer shock of it! What a day that will be!