Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prayer Request

The joy of Sesame Street.

This is my wonderful long time friend, Melissa (in the background). This is her 5 year old daughter, Reese. She just found out last Friday that she has epyndemoma. A type of cancer that attacks the central nervous system. The cancer is not rare but Reese' presentation of it is extremely rare. The doctors are completely shocked that she is even walking because they've never seen a case where the child seems unaffected by it (other than the headaches and backaches she was having). She shouldn't be walking or talking like she does. They are in the middle of making a treatment plan (chemo v radiation) and deciding where she'll have treatment (CHKD v St Jude v Harvard). It all depends on what the doctors decide. Her pathology reports have been sent all over to world renowned doctors to make these decisions. Please pray for healing, peace and patience for all of them. They are all determined to fight this and see the good come out of it. She has her shunt put in tomorrow and then travels to DC to meet with a doctor on Tuesday. It's hard to imagine but I already see great things God has planned for these people.